Sunday, January 11, 2015

This Will Not Be A Tragedy

When I first started writing this blog I decided to try to write at least once a week. I just posted to a friend that it might take me a while to write something cause I am currently in a custody battle with my soon to be ex husband. Lots of paperwork and drama. Let me tell you... It's not fun!  

Now I've been trying to write something all week but nothing has gone past a few paragraphs and it was never quite complete. Well this thing I told my friend about not writing cause my life is going crazy right now really got me thinking. Why am I gonna let this upset control my life? Just because my ex is upsetting my life right now dosent mean I have to let it totally disrupt my life and make me quit doing the things I love to do! This is what poor blind Christians do! Something upsetting happens in their lives and it becomes a tragedy. This man is powerless compared to me! I have Enki on my side! Our True Father is helping me. Why should I have any fear or doubts?

Why are christian habits so hard to break? I mean this habit of freaking out and then pleading for help. Why can't there just be a switch in my brain I can flip that goes "oh, you're a Spiritual Satanist now? Here you go I'll turn off all your old christian bad habits and turn on all the new good habits!" I knew when I started this journey that there would be a lot of things that I needed to change, but wow! I never realized how enslaved I was until I was freed from it. Religious enslavement is a real thing. Most people don't really realize they are being enslaved as it happens. I knew there were going to be many changes to my life I would have to make. I knew they wouldn't all be easy but I swear I will continue to make these changes! I will am becoming the person I have been chasing after and searching for my whole life! Bringing Satan into my life has been the best decision I have ever made. I can already see the changes in myself. 

I am not going to let this upset in my life take over my life like a christian does. I refuse to let this make me stop writing. Writing is something I love to do and I will continue to share my thoughts with those who will listen.

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